The Fairchild Family Films presents:
What about Socialization?
Production Pictures:
Taken by Amber
Our hair-fixer, Kami.
Annie and Kami ready to shoot some Techno scenes!
"Here Lydia, listen!"
"Playing" on the phone.
Our "props". Boy, was the house a mess after the filming was done!
Hershal Z. Shoreman
Miss Shoreman
Mr. Shoreman, trying to figure out why he can't read the book.
Whew! Making that movie was a lot of work!
Hope you enjoyed it!
This was so funny!! Great Job!
You're probaly wondering who this is?? Well, through browsing through some peoples comments(not the best way of looking at others blogs) I stumbled across this!
I wanted to ask if I may place this on my blog? I know my homeschooling friends would love this!
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. " KJV
The Fairchild Family is honored that you enjoyed these! It's so fun to know others enjoy our silly antics and actually laugh at them! Hehehehe! You are most welcome to put a link on your blog!
Check back soon because we will be updating the site shortly!
Thank You! I'll be excited to see your updates!
This is an awesome website, you awesome people!! :D
Ha ha ha!!!!! I didn't realize Taylor had my sunglasses on in the "Technue" scene!!!! lol! Hey, they look good on you, Taylor! ;)
Hahaha!!! All those "Technue" shots are creepy! Especially since I know all those people!
Dude, you have WAAAAAYYYY too much fun with these movies. :P
If you need a paratrooper persona, you know who to call.
Very enjoyable.
That was the greatest. You all did a really good job with that we all laughed so hard with so many things in that. The best part was the boys all standing up when the girls leave the room. TO funny!
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